Monday, July 12, 2010

Dreaming of the Desert

After our recent success with a road trip to Kansas, I have been inspired to appease my inner gypsy and get out of town more. However, do to annoying restrictions, such as Robert having a full-time job, we're going to have to be creative with our getaways. Our current plan-in-progress is to go on artistic inspirational trips every six weeks or so, driving somewhere random early Saturday, and spend the day exploring, recording music, writing songs, drawing pictures, dancing, dabbling in photography, etc. To save money, we will sleep in the car (we bought it with that in mind) and drive back Sunday afternoon. We're somewhat limited to a 2-6 hour driving range--not even enough to get out of Texas in most directions--but hey, Texas has some cool places.

One of the places I know we want to go is west Texas. I know most people only begrudgingly drive through west Texas if they have to get somewhere on the other side, but personally, I love deserts. I want to go, just to look and listen and be inspired. I haven't had the opportunity to go to a desert since I began stopping to listen to the songs that nature sings, and I want to hear the desert's. I don't know what it will be, but I'm pretty sure it will be amazing.

I'm the organizer/planner of the three of us, so this morning my head is full of ice-chests, packed bags, travel-friendly foods, and recording equipment. Or rather, how I would fit all those things into the car. I know, it will be a few weeks before we go, but I'm just dreaming.

I know most of my readers are the silent stalker types, but if you have any ideas of cool places to see, good meals for eating in the back of a car, or tips for picking cacti thorns out of a baby, feel free to let me know in comments or next time you see me in person.

1 comment:

  1. Chicken salad wraps with spinach-flavored tortilla wraps. Quick, easy, and amazingly good!! Good luck trip planning! I know how fun that is!
