Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Chronicle of the Cotita Connection :: Part II

On Friday, October 1st, we caravaned down to Mustang Island State Park, on the shore side of Corpus Christi. 

It was absolutely gorgeous. We spent most of the time playing in the sand, going on walks, and just enjoying our surroundings.

We also got to try kayaking on the ocean. It's a river kayak, so it's not made for it, but it was fun anyway.

And, of course, we ate lots of food.

I believe I was standing in the water to take this picture of our camp. The original plan was to stay on the beach until Tuesday. Until, of course, we met the "mosquitoes". I thought we had a mosquito problem in our yard. That was before I met the Mustang Island Giant Bloodsuckers.

For whatever reason, they liked Robert the best. He literally had hundreds of bites--he could have called in sick with the measles, yet again. (He got chewed up pretty badly at Enchanted Rock, as you may recall.) My current theory is that mosquitoes, which find their prey via sensing body heat, are attracted to the hottest people. Therefore, they go for Robert.

The mosquitoes were different from the ones I've experienced in Austin. As Robert aptly described it, their feeding was like being set upon by a hoard of miniature pterodactyls thirsty for blood. These mosquitoes were so large you could usually feel them landing on you, and being pricked felt like a needle. They could fly in the wind and were not repelled by normal methods.

So, the plan changed. Tiernan and I left Sunday afternoon with Robert, so that hard-working hubby could get back to NI on Monday. The rest of the family stayed one more night and packed out Monday.

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