Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Once Upon a Saturday

Hello, Internet! I'm resurrecting the ol' blog, mostly to have a platform for sharing my upcoming photography and writing projects. In the case of this post, a series of pictures that begged for a bit more commentary than Facebook accommodates.


Once upon a Saturday, not so very long ago, we opened up the costume trunk for a kiddie-photoshoot.

Tiernan, somewhat predictably, chose this:

Kestrel, somewhat less predictably (but not entirely surprising, the random child,) chose this:

I think she was trying to swim. It took a while for me to convince her to stand up so that I could see her face. At which point, I got this shot:

Aaaaaand this one:

I guess the shark was having a bad day.

Meanwhile, Tiernan was rocking the superhero thing:

At which point, Grumpy Shark morphed into Little Miss Super-Shark and took a turn:

We're expecting Nick Fury to come recruit them any day now.

The shark choice being somewhat unexpected, I encouraged Kestrel to change into one of her favorite costumes, since I apparently stink at getting out the camera when she's prancing about the house in her typical pick.

Yup. Classic Kestrel. Except sometimes it's the horse costume under the butterfly wings, and she's a Pegasus instead.

I'd like to know where she gets the pixie-dust from.

But fairies aren't always happy, apparently. At least not when asked to go stand by the tree so that we can get something besides the driveway and cars for a backdrop.

All-in-all, I'm going to call it a successful shoot. A nice, balanced blend of epicness, hilariousness, and cuteness.

Thems my kids!

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