Thursday, September 23, 2010

Okay, I'm Back

Well friends, I have finally returned from the intriguing if fictional land of Roshar. The Way of Kings was masterfully done. Size-wise, I was expecting a novel of similar proportions to his previous fictional works. Granted, I should have expected a larger hardcover given that it is a new release, but still, it was a massive book, as demonstrated here:

Yes, there are two copies there. We picked it up from the library on Saturday morning, and we both delved in. In the interest of supporting our favorite author and preventing marital disputes over whose turn it was to read the book, we bought our own copy the next day. Not to mention the library put their stickers all over the beautiful maps. (Seriously? I thought librarians respected books.) 

And yet, in spite of it's great length of over 1000 pages, it is only the beginning. Now to wait over a year for the sequel...(as anticipationspren gather around me.)

We had a pretty low-key week--we spent a lot of time reading. Tiernan is beginning to attempt communicating with real words, although he has to use gesticulation to make up for his lack of enunciation. To our ears, the same sound apparently means 'juice', 'fish', 'shoe', 'teeth', 'cheese', and 'blueberry', depending on where he's pointing. And then there's another that can either be 'nurse', 'banana', or 'no no'. He's beginning to sign for more and sign and say 'all done'. I also love this new little gesture:

We're gearing up for an exciting few weeks with my family coming to visit. They will probably arrive Saturday evening, so don't expect much in the way of posts for the next two weeks while they are here. Our list of activities to do with them includes Six Flags Fiesta Texas, camping in Corpus Christi, and the Texas Renaissance Festival, among other things. Should be fun!

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