Monday, August 30, 2010

Birthday Celebration

Last Thursday, we celebrated TK's first birthday!

We didn't want to do a huge party, but we also don't have much in the way of local family. His birthday happened to fall on the night our community group comes over anyway, so we just had an evening of fellowship with our church family and celebrated Tiernan's first year together.

I made him a carrot cake with cream cheese icing. He loves dogs, so I made it into a little white Scottie.

Opening presents! He was fascinated by all of them, it was hard to get him to move on to the next.

But he definitely thought they were exciting.

The aftermath.

He blew out his own candle! Actually, he did it so fast that I had to relight it to take the picture.

In retrospect, I kind of wished that we had been able to let him go at his own pace and do things as he was ready. When we tried to do the cake, he was getting tired and really just wanted to play with his awesome new toys, so he wasn't all that interested. I felt like he'd missed out on the time-honored tradition of the first year cake demolition, so we celebrated 'A Year and a Day' on Friday with just us, and let him take his time, when I could focus completely on him and not get wrapped up in the role as hostess of the festivities.

The cake did not fare as well on its second encounter.

Happy first year to my Little Man!

1 comment:

  1. Great pics!! How much of that cake did he actually eat?! Loved being able to watch him blow out the candle. Can't wait to see you all in person. Hugs, Mom
