Thursday, August 26, 2010

To Tiernan

Happy first birthday, my dear Little Man.

Those first few months after I married your daddy, I thought life was the very best it was ever going to be. I was happy beyond my dreams. And then you came, and you brought us so much joy and love that somehow, life was even more beautiful. I don’t know about you, but I think I can say this has been the best year of my entire life.

You’re an amazing kid. You love to explore, discover, and push yourself to the limit, and I love to watch you do so. You’re bursting with a contagious energy and joy, and it has blessed me. You brighten up the day of everybody you come in contact with--I can see it as we meander through the grocery store or walk down the street. You always have a grin for everyone we meet, and I know that you’ve made that moment happy for them by the way their faces change to reflect your joy.

I cherish each day I spend with you. You’re growing up so fast, I don’t want to miss a moment. Even now, at one year, you don’t fall asleep on your own, nor do you sleep through the night. I spend probably one to three hours every day getting you to sleep, and I absolutely love it. Those are hours every day that we get to snuggle, nurse, sing, whisper, and dance together. There have been many days that all you wanted was to be held close. And so we did, and you would silently cling to me while we did dishes, made dinner, and tidied the house together. Other days you would be happy playing on the floor, but you almost always wanted to be near me, and I you. So you would sit by my feet and pull all the baking pans and pots out of the cabinet while I chopped vegetables. As you’ve gotten older, you’ve found all sorts of fun mischief to get into--like spraying me with the hose while I was practicing my yoga--and your delighted squeals always melt my heart and make me laugh along.

I am so privileged to be your mommy. Grow strong in God, Little Man. I love you more than you will ever know.


1 comment:

  1. What a great idea to write Tiernan like this. You are such a wonderful mommy! It really helps us to know him better and eases (slightly)the pain of separation. Thanks so much. Love, Mom
