Friday, June 18, 2010

Just for Clarification

So, on a number of occasions I have been called a 'hippie'. I like going barefoot, burning incense, wearing different styles of clothes, and dancing. However, I would just like to put it out there that I am not a hippie. If you must call me something, I prefer the term 'gypsy'.

Sure, gypsies were known for picking pockets. But they were also skilled musicians, performers, and they wore awesome clothes, although I admit the hippies were on to something with tie-dyeing. Hippies were known for smoking pot, free love, and huge glasses. Personally, I'd rather be identified with gypsies. Their culture is fascinating without being based on hallucinogens. I am not a fan of most of the music that came out of the hippie era, but I love most gypsy music. Also, having moved frequently in my life (21 times for as many years) I identify with their nomadic lifestyle.

No offense to the hippies out there, but it's just not me.


  1. Lol! This is great. We get called Hippies. I don't know what we are. :D

  2. I get that from time to time as well, and I really don't feel like I'm a hippie either. I've decided takes too much time, energy and money to effectively represent any socially defining subculture.
