Friday, June 4, 2010

Matters of Martha and Mary

I was thinking this morning about my role as a wife and mother and all the things I feel like I'm neglecting, not accomplishing, and just how housework is one of those tasks that no matter how good a job you do, you will always have to do it again. It's a little demoralizing to watch your nice clean (I almost wrote 'pristine', but I don't think I've ever achieved that) house disintegrate into shambles before your very eyes in a matter of moments. What happened to all that work? Was it really worth it?

Yet I read Proverbs 31, all about how a good wife looks to the ways of her household, yada yada yada. I'm not living up to everything there. (Of course, it does mention that she had servants...I'm sure that helped.) But then I read the story of Mary and Martha in Luke 10:38-42, and I get confused. Martha looks like she is doing a whole lot better on the Proverbs 31 list than Mary, but it's not Martha who gets praised by Jesus. It's Mary: the one who sat there and ignored the housework and demands of hospitality. But where would we be without the Marthas? How would people eat? Who would prepare the house for guests? Who would organize events?

I haven't come to any conclusions. All I know is that when I am Mary, I feel guilty for not being Martha, and when I'm Martha, I get frustrated and fed up. Where do I fit in this? How do I maintain a household and be a wife of honor without losing Mary's simple, single-minded devotion?


  1. Hmmm...I think being "Mary" gives you the joy, energy, and motivation to do the work of "Martha". Housework is important, but should never come before our time with the Lord! If I'm lacking there, the rest of my life seems to go to shambles.

    But when I'm enjoying more time with God, it seems like I have all this extra love to pour out on my family - which turns into spending more time on the little things, and making our home "cozy", etc.

  2. I've wrestled with those questions too. I really like having a clean house, but it seems beyond my reach. How much of my time do I want to spend cleaning instead of spending time with my little guy, building a good relationship with him and teaching him things? And, like you, I wonder how to keep my focus on God in the midst of all the tasks that clamor for my attention. Maybe there are some experienced mothers out there who can help us out??

  3. When you have it all figured out would you mind giving me a call? :D Erin, I understand. Yesterday, in particular, Christopher crawled around the family room and strew everything. It's so frustrating! How in the world do you keep your house clean your family fed and yourself taken care of?
    I've been working on organizing my whole house and making everything more efficient. I came to the conclusion with the way my house was, (and is to some extant) it was NEVER going to be clean. No matter how hard I worked. (I read a book that gave some really good advice on that Outwitting Housework)
    I don't know really if everything I've done will help that much. I've had from 1 to 7 family here since the 22nd of May. (it's been great :D) I am excited to see if I can do a better job applying some of the principles she talked about. I spend way too much time on my house as it is. Especially for the way it looks. So, if it helps even a little. Meaning I clean less and the house looks MORE clean. I'd love it!
    Wow! Just Me, that's a look I have never personally thought of. Martha probably wasn't wrong in what she was doing, but she put being a host above her guests. She didn't spend time with the Lord.
    I know I have trouble when people come to my house, I usually am off doing various things until we sit down to eat.
    I hope you don't mind the really long comment.
    But yeah, I understand!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Sorry to have cluttered your blog with my grammar errors. I should have read my comment more carefully.
